Fighting for the people’s rights

while standing on our Conservative Principles

Fighting for our Republic

while upholding our oaths to the Constitution

Fighting for our Republic

while upholding our oaths to the Constitution


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The South Dakota Freedom Caucus is the 6th caucus formed under the State Freedom Caucus Network, founded by elected officials who believe in freedom and liberty for the people of South Dakota, and who intend to be the standard bearers for our shared Conservative values.

And we are proud of our support from our national U.S. Congressional House Freedom Caucus and their members.


We believe “Under God the People Rule,” that the government is instituted to secure and protect the rights of its citizens while deriving its authority from the people,  the US and South Dakota Constitutions, and with God’s law are the guiding limits and principles for governing.

Rep. Phil Jensen

SD Freedom Caucus Chairman
SD District 33 Representative

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Read the latest updates from the SD Freedom Caucus and find out why folks across the nation are watching what we’re doing here in South Dakota.

The Truth Behind Amendment H – Guest Column by Juliann Talkington

The Truth Behind Amendment H – Guest Column by Juliann Talkington

  What is Amendment H? Really... A wolf in sheep's clothing. Amendment H would bring top-two primary elections to South Dakota. A top-two primary is a type of primary election where all candidates are listed on the same ballot. The two candidates with the top...

Freedom Caucus Calls for Appointments for Vacancies

Freedom Caucus Calls for Appointments for Vacancies

Emphasizes the Urgency of Representation for Districts 35 and 34 as the 99th Legislative Session Nears Pierre, SD (January 8, 2023) – The South Dakota Freedom Caucus urgently calls upon Governor Kristi Noem to fill the legislative vacancies of District 34...










The South Dakota Freedom Caucus believes our nation was born of the belief that people are all born with inalienable rights bestowed upon them by God, that governments are instituted by those people for the people’s benefit, and governments are accountable to those they serve.

Our founding father’s enshrined these beliefs in our Constitution, but today our liberties and freedoms are under siege by the encroachment of our own government today, such accumulation of power our founding fathers called tyranny. 

The South Dakota Freedom Caucus will fight against such tyranny, and stand strong upon the principles our nation was founded upon.




