Protect Our 2nd Amendment Rights in Pennington County

Oppose the Unconstitutional “No Weapons Policy” at the Fairground

Pennington County has recently implemented a “no weapons policy” at the local, publicly owned and taxpayer funded Pennington County fairgrounds, enforced by metal detectors at the entrances. You can watch as Ron Jeffries at the August 15, 2023 Pennington County Commission meeting introduces this policy, a policy that was never voted on or approved by the Commissioners of this “2nd Amendment Sanctuary County,” adopted March 16, 2021. This policy is in direct conflict with Pennington County’s own resolution declaring itself a “2nd Amendment Sanctuary County,” as well as South Dakota’s Constitutional Carry law and other state statutes.


Current Laws & Policies

South Dakota Freedom Caucus Action

We didn’t sit by when we heard about this, we jumped into action, and on August 23rd, Representative Tina Mulally, Freedom Caucus Treasurer, challenged the fairgrounds on their new policy head on!

Watch the video now!

Take Action

That’s why we’re taking this fight to you – the people, so you can have your voices heard on this issue. We urge you to stand with us in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights and to contact your County Commissioners to tell them to get their hands off our rights and our guns! 

County Commissioner Travis Lasseter, who also serves on the Pennington County Fair Board, has been the only commissioner actively opposing this new weapons policy and has advised the Fair Board and fellow Commissioners of legal concerns that such a weapons policy may violate citizen’s rights. However, in spite of this warning, the remaining County Commission continues to rubberstamp their support for the Fair Board’s recommendations, even when it’s violating your rights.

Here’s how you can help!

Contact the Pennington County Commissioners using the form below to send a message directly to them. Encourage them to join County Commissioner Travis Lasseter in opposing this policy and most importantly – to get their hands off our rights and our guns!

Deb Hadcock

Lloyd LaCroix

Gary Drewes

Ron Rossknecht

Travis Lasseter